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CR - Series(Ozone air)

Air disinfection and Odor removal:
The ozone machine can apply at ALL “Unoccupied” in-door area, such as: classroom, hotel room, clinic, hospital, pet shop, veterinary center, function room, bath room, sauna house, toilet, changing room, lift car, bus, ship, air plane, mortuary and garbage house with unlimited cases for air disinfection and odor removal.
Food / Products preservation:
Ozone gas kills virus, bacteria and fungi. It can apply in freezer or warehouse for fruit, vegetable, cut flower, pa-per, leather, cloth and all kinds of crops. Ozone can de-compose ethylene in order to prolong shelf life of vegetable, cut flower, and fruit. Ozone can minimize the odor cross contamination. Ozone keeps good environmental hygiene and can drive away rat and cockroach.


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